Thursday, August 6, 2009

Someone To Turn To

this letter in this week's yated is quite interesting. i've never heard of such a person, and would love to know who they are. it's a bit unrealistic to think the way this person does...

In my community, there is a person who is an address for abuse. He controls the abuser (even if he has left the community) or the parents of the abuser, and he makes sure the abuser goes into therapy. [my note: is it really possible for anyone to fully control an abuser? i think not...] A much respected therapist travels for the community about once a week for this purpose. I was fortunate that I heard about his work. When my child was mishandled, I had an address. But, if I hadn't known about him, who knows if i would have taken action?

Is there a way to ensure that such shomrim do exist in each community? It is probably better for the shomer's identity to remain anonymous to the general public in order to allow him to carry out his avodas hakodesh in a discreet fashion. But rabbonim of all serious (in size) kehillos, poskim and frum pediatricians should all be informed of the work the shomer does. Any person in need of contacting the shomer could be in touch with rabbanim or pediatricians to seek out his contact number.

Name Withheld for Obvious Reasons

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please be kind to all the survivors whose letters will be posted, we need gentle love, not bashing!